Friday, April 19, 2013

DID U KNOW THIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1) Over 84% of traders have never read a book on the stock market
2) 76% do not have a set of rules (a system)
3) Over 80% do, or have, relied on their broker for advice.
4) Over 84% have, or do, trade on news stories
5) 84% rely on technical analysis
6) Over 60% have, or do, use options.
7) 89% have never shorted a stock
8) 93% have, or do, use an advisory service.
9) 72% consider themselves short-term traders.
10) 68% consider themselves "good" traders
11) 94% have never practiced money management simulations
12) 44% have attended a seminar on trading.
13) 54% have, or do, subscribe to a trading periodical.
14) When asked for three trading principles they live by here were the most popular ones:
1) Trade good shares
2) Trade with the trend
3) Buy low
15) Over 73% admitted they were losing money trading their own accounts.


DID you know?

1) Over 95% of private traders lose money trading?
2) It takes on average 6 months for a trader to either lose their account or give up.
3) Over 80% of private traders admit they trade as a hobby and not as a business.
4) Over 90% of traders say entry is THE most important element in trading success.
5) When given this list and told to place it in order of importance this is how it came out:

1) Entry
2) Discipline
3) Exit
4) Make a plan
5) Money Management

Is it any wonder 95% of private traders lose money? It shouldn't!

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